Car Shipping – Where and How to Ship your Overland Vehicle
When on a multi-continent overland journey, the topic of car shipping inevitably comes up. How do you organize it? Where do you find a container and how do you load your overland vehicle securely?
What paperwork do you need? How do you get on the ferry to Russia or Japan? How to organize a crossing of the Amazon River in Brazil? All these here, on this shipping page.
For other overland-travel information, check out our overland travel guides.
Possibly an overlander’s biggest nightmare: shipping your rig across the ocean to your new overland destination. A while back I shared in Overland Journal our shipping experiences, including all kinds … Read more
How/where to find shipping schedules & routes + a couple of tips on the subject.
Tips on ensuring a good container loading of your overland vehicle: who is responsible, what is lashing, how to seal your container, and more.
The easiest way to get your overland car from South Korea or Japan to northern Asia is a ferry crossing to Russia. Here’s how to do it.
You can ship your vehicle per container of per RoRo. How does car shipment work? Here are ins and outs on overland shipping.
What shipping costs are relevant, what do abbreviations like THC or BAF mean, and how can you minimize shipping costs?
So your car has arrived in the port. Now what? Here are a couple of tips on port handling procedures.
Travel information for your overland journey to Japan: budget, roads, gas stations, camping, and more in our Overland Travel Guide for Japan.
Ins and outs of shipping the Land Cruiser in a container to Busan Port in South Korea.
Information and procedures about getting our car shipped from Suriname.
Which port to you ship to? Buenos Aires, a Brazilian port? Chile? Here are experiences from overland travelers.
The bridge is finished but not yet open, so in order to drive to French Guiana you’ll need to cross a river. Here’s info on shipping your vehicle across the Oiapoque River.
Names of companies, prices for shipping + GPS Waypoints.
Crossing the 40-hour journey across the Amazon River as a stowaway? I don’t think so.
Our ins and outs of organizing the container shipment for our Land Cruiser from Malaysia to Argentina. It’s not as hard as it looks.
Ins and Outs of the Land Cruiser’s container shipment from Bangladesh to Singapore.