Originally published in 2014 / updated in February 2024
It all started with wanting to see our Dutch overlanding friends again from our Southeast Asia trip (2003-2006).
Between Turkey and India we had run into each other several times and whereas most of them had returned home after India, we had continued farther east. When we visited the Netherlands – during the first years this was around the Christmas holidays – we got together for a weekend and exchanged stories of the road.
This was so much fun that our get-togethers grew into an annual reunion.
From Meeting Friends to an Overland Event
If I remember correctly we started out with five or six couples. Each year we stayed at one of their homes for a weekend. But Coen got fed up with going to the Netherlands during the cold, dark days of the winter and suggested we moved our annual visit to spring instead.
And so, since 2009, we have yearly returned home for a visit in May/June.
Check it out: the Landcruising Adventure Road-Trip Shirt Collection
Being home in the month of May gave reason to the idea to go camping. We checked out campgrounds in various places in the Netherlands and Landgoedcamping Het Meuleman in de Lutte came out as the winner.
One of the main reasons to have the reunion here is because they allow us to camp in our cars/rooftop tents on the campground itself (contrary to most Dutch campgrounds, where you have to pitch your tent and leave your car in the parking lot).
As this was a group of people dedicated to overlanding, this was (and is) a big point.
The campground is a beautiful place in the middle of the forest in Twente, the eastern corner of the Netherlands, bordering Germany. Each year we can use a large area at the far end of the campground for this Overland Event.
For three years we discussed the location with the group, and three times we all opted for the same campground and so we decided to keep it that way.
Since space was no longer a limitation, we extended the invitation to all past, present, and future overlanders.
When is the Overland Reunion?
Choosing the date for this weekend depends on two things:
- When we are in the Netherlands, which is generally in May/June, which also happens to be the best time of year for camping (the occasional year that we aren’t home, the event will be organized us nonetheless).
- We can’t organize the reunion during Ascension-Day weekend (Hemelvaart) or Pentecost (Pinksteren) as the campground is booked with regular visitors and the campsite doesn’t have space for us.
- We will let you know the date through the Overland Reunion newsletter (sign-up at the bottom of this page).
- Generally we know in January/February when the Overland Event weekend will be.
How Does it Work?
Don’t expect a big organized event. It’s not. It’s a simple get-together of kindred spirits who want to share or gather stories and information on overlanding. The weekend runs from Friday to Sunday and it’s up to you how long you stay.
Some turn it into a long weekend, enjoying the beautiful forest and countryside (great region for hikers and cyclists, by the way). Others drop by for a cup of coffee on Saturday or Sunday, or for the BBQ on Saturday night.
Simply put:
- Everybody brings their own food and drinks, including a BBQ.
- We are NOT allowed to kindle a campfire (it is a protected natural environment).
- The campsite fee is around 29 euros per night for a couple and your vehicle. You’ll pay a different fee if you visit only during the day.
Registration is as follows:
- Sign-up through this form and you will receive an email with all relevant details.
For Whom is It?
The overland event is for past, present & future overlanders. The general idea is that we’re talking about long-term travelers (say six months or longer) by car/truck, motorcycle, bicycle.
We have singles, couples, and families.
So, are you interested, or do you know of anybody who might be interested, let us know or send them this blog post so they can sign up for themselves.
Join Us at the Overland Reunion
Interested in attending?
Use this link to sign up for our upcoming Overland Reunion.
If no date has been set yet, this link lets you register for our Overland Reunion Newsletter, where we’ll keep you updated as soon as a new date is announced.
We hope to see you there!
Hello guy’s, it’s good to hear from you again and it would be lovely to eventually meet in person! The Overland Reunion is to be held in the east of the Netherlands at Landgoedcamping Het Meuleman in de Lutte. You can find their website here: http://www.camping-meuleman.nl
Hi Fons en Esther, je kunt je onderaan het bovenstaande verhaal opgeven (misschien heb je dat al gedaan). Dan krijg je tzt vanzelf een mail van ons toegestuurd met routebeschrijving e.d. Dan vragen we ook om aan te geven of je gaat komen of niet, om de campingbaas een idee te geven van hoeveel bezoekers hij kan verwachten, maar een ‘echte’ opgave lijst is er niet. Het zal dezelfde camping zijn als hier voorgaande jaren (Landgoedcamping Het Meuleman in de Lutte, http://www.camping-meuleman.nl). Dit jaar op 5-7 juni, en volgens hetzelfde principe: eigen eten / drinken meenemen en wij regelen barbecues. We hopen jullie daar te zien!
Hoi Jesse, leuk dat je erbij bent. Ik heb zojuist een update uitgevoerd. Het zou nu moeten werken.
Nee klopt, ik heb je aanmelding wel gekregen, maar met een update van de formulieren plugin ging er iets mis, ik heb nog geen tijd gehad om er naar te kijken. Dank voor het melden. Weet dat ik wel iedereens aanmelding binnenkrijg, en dus je staat op de lijst en je krijgt over een paar weken een email met daarin de laatste aanwijzingen. We gaan elkaar zien!