It was that time of year again, May… And thus we organized our annual Overland Reunion in the Netherlands.

Wanting to catch up with a small group of fellow Dutch overlanders we had met during our Southeast Asia Trip, we found a beautiful camping spot at Landgoedcamping Het Meuleman in de Lutte in the Netherlands in 2009. Over the past 10 years, the event snowballed and this year some 60 vehicles with owners joined the event.

This was the largest gathering thus far and most overlanders came on Friday and stayed till Sunday. Others joined on Saturday. For us this was the first Overland Reunion in two years because last year May we were in Siberia.

Read More: The Journey

Overland Vehicles

Overland Reunion 2019 - overland vehicles (©Coen Wubbels)
Overland Reunion 2019 - overland vehicles (©Coen Wubbels)

Overlanding Talks

Lots of young kids this year, sharing their own moments and adventures.

Read more: Meeting Overlanders in Bishkek (Where are We – Kyrgyzstan 3)

Overland Vehicle Gadgets

Always nifty stuff to share…

Helinox sent us their latest Savanna Chair to check out and we’ve invited everyone to have a seat.

And the Popular Overland Reunion BBQ

The concept is simple: come when you like and stay for as long as you want, and bring your own food and drinks. On Saturday night we put the BBQs, tables, chairs together and share a fantastic evening eating and sharing.

Would you like to join us next year?  Here you can read all about the Overland Reunion; How did it start and How does it work.

Update: here is the Overland Reunion 2020, during Covid times.

Check it out: the Landcruising Adventure Sticker, Magnet & Pin Collection

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More on Meetups:

4 thoughts on “Overland Reunion 2019”

  1. Really nice photos and pity we missed meeting up with you guys this year for your ‘Annual Reunion’ but we could not be Netherlands at same time – one day we will meet up some where some place – for sure!


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