What started in 2005 as a reunion with four or five overland couples we had met during our Asia journey has grown into a get-together for past, present & future overlanders (read more about the reunion’s history and set-up here). This year we counted more than 40 people during the barbecue on Saturday night but there were more as some just came for the day.

Overlanders Reunion 2013 – New Faces

While for a couple of years were all continents ‘have been covered’, so to speak, this year the mixture was more varied in terms of age and types of vehicles, the most unusual this year being Manon and her tractor with which she traveled to South Africa and which shel’ll be taking to Antarctica in 2014.

This year we received an intriguing email.

“We hear you are coming to the Landcruising meeting in Houten as well.”

Huh? Houten ( a town in the Netherlands). We had no idea what they were talking about.

“Yes, we’ve seen your names on the list,” the writer confirmed.

Right. We let the matter rest. Until we received another intriguing email.

“We’d love to come and meet whom we are confused with all the time.”
Signed: Coen and Marijke.

Coen and Marijke have done their share of traveling but are now preparing a overland trip to Asia.
Coen Demmer (cyclist), Coen (landcruisingadventure) and Coen (kuipwagen)


For a couple of years this Coen and Marijke (and who were the ones on the list for the meeting in Houten) got remarks like, “Oh, have you returned from your journey / stopped traveling/settled in the Netherlands again?” which confused them, because they were still in the planning phase. It took a bit of figuring out that there were another Coen and Marijke traveling the world…

Talking about names: 3 Coens this year. The third Coen (Demmer) is one of the first travelers we met on the road, in 2003 in Turkey when he was on his 2nd cycling trip and on his way to China.

Among future overlanders were Hanneke and Marco, who will be overlanding with kids.

This fall Arjan and Miranda plan on traveling to Africa.
Hanneke and Marco will leave this summer to travel the Americas.
Experienced travelers…
Emiel and Saskia traveld to Africa, the Middle East and Asia.
Harald and Mariska traveled to Africa South America.
Iris and Roland just returned from their 14-month journey to Asia.
Maud and Martijn traveled to Asia and had their car painted in Pakistani style.
Belinda and Markus traveled in a Defender to Africa and are planning their next trip to the Americas.

And familiar faces who have done their share of traveling and are now preparing for a long-term trip:

Rob and Nettie’s Geocruiser has done its share of traveling, but a world trip will be the next challenge.

The Weekend

No plans, no schedules, no obligations. You arrive when you feel like it, you stay as long as you enjoy or have time and leave whenever you’re ready to go. We bring the barbecues, you bring your own food & beverages. That’s the simple set-up of the weekend. It has proven to be a perfect concept for our Overland Reunion.

Some arrive on Friday night, the majority on Saturday and stay until Sunday while a couple turn it into a long weekend in the beautiful woods and nature reserve of De Lutte.

People arrive, settle down, bring out the chairs and talk, talk, talk. This year we were lucky with the warm temperatures.

Coen had collected car magazines (thank you 4WD Magazine, Toyota Trails and AutoBild) and gadgets (thank you Valkenburg 4×4, Hella, Edwin Mensink, Casper Jansen).

See the world through sunglasses.

Check it out: the Landcruising Adventure T-shirt Collection

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More on Overland Reunions:

1 thought on “Overland Reunion 2013”

  1. lees nu pas jullie verhaal/foto reportage van het overlanders weekend in mei ’13.
    Zal ik ook eens een bijdrage doen in de vorm van een leuk tasje/enveloppe met rits voor de reunie?
    Voor elke auto eentje dan. Zal eens denken…..
    groetjes en zoen van Mam x


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