Natural Food Stores & Organic Markets in Peru


It’s not evident to find organic food in Peru, or in South America for that matter. Peru is the first country where I jotted down organic markets or other places I found healthy food, with the idea that the info may be of use to others.

What I noticed most is that at organic markets I could generally find vegetables that are absent at regular markets. For example, while spinach and acelga (chard) is available everywhere, I found kale, Brussels sprouts and lesser-known types of lettuce only at the organic markets.

If you have any place to add to the list, please do so in the comment section. Thanks.

Travel Guides for Peru

(click on the images to look inside)

Insight Guides – Peru

DK Eyewitness Travel Guides – Peru

Lonely Planet Travel Guides – Peru

Products from Amazon

Organic veggies in Ollantaytambo / Sacred Valley (Aug ’13)

Hotel and Restaurant El Albergue, which also has an organic farm.

  • Where: on the train platform of Ollantaytambo.
  • email: [email protected] and [email protected]
  • Open for lunch and dinner. Do make a reservation as it’s a small but popular restaurant.
  • Opening hours of the organic farm: 9 am and 2 pm.
  • GPS Waypoint: -13.262816, -72.270234

El Albergue has an organic farm where they grow vegetables for their restaurant, but where you can also go and buy a bag full of vegetables that are harvested on your request.

As their website says, “Our farm is worked without the use of agrochemicals or synthetic fertilizers, and using many of the traditional techniques that have been around for centuries: plowing with oxen, rotating crops and using biological controllers to regulate pests and disease.”

I followed up on Emily’s tip and went there one early morning with my shopping bag. One of the farmers accompanied me, pointing out all the edible flowers, herbs and vegetables and harvested whatever I wanted, after which we settled down on more than a fair price. I left a happy customer.

Organic Market in Lima (Oct ’13)

Farmers’ Market with vendors selling a wide range of products including fresh organic fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, yacon syrup, maca powder, olives, granola, dried fruit. Also wooden toys, jewelry, scarves, and hand-woven textiles, dried herbs for burning or cooking uses.

  • Where: Parque Reducto, Avenida Benavides and Ví­a Expresa, Lima.
  • Opening hours: Saturdays 8am-2pm.
  • GPS Waypoint: -12.12709, -77.02223
On Lima’s organic market you can buy different kinds of sprouts.

Organic Veggies & Natural Food Store in Trujillo

1. Botika Shangri-La – medicina homeopática / fitoterapia – naturales
A store with natural/organic products and medicines/supplements. Food and non-food. Are focusing on expanding on organically certified products.

  • Where: Jr. Bolívar 186, Trujillo
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Open: Mon-Sat 9am-2pm & 4.30-9pm.
  • GPS Waypoint: -8.11548, -79.02942

2. Punto Verde – organic vegetables
Selection of arugula, different kind of lettuce, spinach, chard, tomatoes, herbs etc. A bit strangely situated at the entrance of a hairdresser, but don’t let that put you off. Worth a visit.

  • Where: Calle las Camelias 709, Trujillo
  • Organic produce on Friday from 10am-1pm.
  • GPS Waypoint: -8.13732, -79.03325

Huanchaco (just north of Trujillo)

Punto Verde – organic vegetables
This is the same stand as the one in Trujillo, mentioned above.

  • La Rivera 520 – Huanchaco
  • Where: Next to Restaurante Club Colonial
  • Opening Hours: Thursday morning, from 10.30am-1pm.
  • GPS Waypoint: -8.081362, -79.122655

Whole Wheat Bread in Cusco 

This is not organic, but worth a mention nonetheless:

DeliMonasterio, next to Hotel Monasterio

Where: Calle Palacio 136, Plazoleta Nazarenas, Cusco. Coming from Campsite Quinta Lala, just walk down the steps downtown and the first plaza you hit is Plazoleta Nazarenas where the coffee bar-cum-bakery is on your lefthand side.
GPS Waypoint: -13.51557, -71.97684

For us it was the place to buy wholesome, tasty wholewheat bread. Until Christa showed us how to bake our own bread, which is a different story (you can read it here).

To find vegetarian restaurants and natural health food stores, check out Happy Cow. You can also contribute by adding your own findings.

Check it out: the Landcruising Adventure Zipper-Pouch Collection

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6 thoughts on “Natural Food Stores & Organic Markets in Peru”

  1. Could you please tell if you found Kale in Lima and where because I’ve been looking for it everywhere and can’t find it. When I went to the organic market in Miraflores about a year ago, they didn’t have it either :-/

  2. Are there any organic farms or markets in Huancayo? I will be moving there next year and this is so important to me! Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks.

  3. I have psoriasis and Peru is one of the best climates to live in. I also need to buy organic veggies and fruit. I refuse to take medicine, it kills you but I have been able to control it with diet. It`s important.


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