Overland Travel – Legit Road Trips in South America
The Death Road in Boliva, the Transamazônica in Brazil, and the Carretera Austral in Chile are among the popular road trips in South America.
Overland Travel in Paraguay
You’ll find little information about overlanding in Paraguay. Surrounded by so many culturally rich countries, that is understandable. However, when slowing down and allowing Paraguay to grow on you, you will wonder why so few others go there.
Overlanding in Paraguay is a perfect way of slowing down. Easy to drive, home to famous Jesuit ruins and the Itaipu hydroelectric dam, the overland adventure lies on the northern side of the country.
Depending on whether the Trans-Chaco Highway to Bolivia is new or old, your road trip may go in a breeze or become a true off-road challenge.
The Death Road in Boliva, the Transamazônica in Brazil, and the Carretera Austral in Chile are among the popular road trips in South America.
Driving from North America to South America is popular. Here overlanders answer the question why they drive the Pan-American Highway.
We are lucky to have a peek into the lives of the Mennonites in Paraguay, in a moderate community as well as a conservative community.
Paraguay has more than enough to offer for overlanders to check it out.
This Paraguay Overland Travel Guide tells you all about border crossings, money matters, documentation, road conditions, food & drinks, and more.
GPS Waypoints of our campsites and free camps during our 60-day stay.
The fun was the combination of the two: finding them and studying them: Franciscan churches in and around Asunción.