Overlanding Books – Books about Overland Travel and Destinations
Books from fellow overlanders who share their overland adventures by bike, motor, bicycle or on foot across different continents. Books on preparing your overland journey and rig. Books on overland destinations.
Last but not least, don’t forget to download our free e-book in which overlanders debunk myths on ‘Why you can’t do an overland trip right now’.
The upcoming book Forever Off Track chronicles Karin-Marijke and Coen’s remarkable 3.5-year overland journey from Europe to Southeast Asia in a rugged Land Cruiser. Join them as they step out … Read more
The upcoming book Forever Off Track chronicles Karin-Marijke and Coen’s remarkable 3.5-year overland journey from Europe to Southeast Asia in a rugged Land Cruiser. Join them as they step out … Read more
The upcoming book Forever Off Track chronicles Karin-Marijke and Coen’s remarkable 3.5-year overland journey from Europe to Southeast Asia in a rugged Land Cruiser. Join them as they step out … Read more
The upcoming book Forever Off Track chronicles Karin-Marijke and Coen’s remarkable 3.5-year overland journey from Europe to Southeast Asia in a rugged Land Cruiser. Join them as they step out … Read more
The upcoming book Forever Off Track chronicles Karin-Marijke and Coen’s remarkable 3.5-year overland journey from Europe to Southeast Asia in a rugged Land Cruiser. Join them as they step out … Read more
The upcoming book Forever Off Track chronicles Karin-Marijke and Coen’s remarkable 3.5-year overland journey from Europe to Southeast Asia in a rugged Land Cruiser. Join them as they step out … Read more
An overview with books about Central Asia (Mongolia, Stan Countries) and the Silk Road: Non Fiction, Fiction, Travel Memoirs, Guidebooks.
Travel information for your overland journey to Kazakhstan: roads, online navigation, gas stations, camping, and much more in our Kazakhstan Travel Guide.
Our Kyrgyzstan Travel Guide details everything for an overland journey to Kyrgyzstan: roads, fuel, maps, navigation, sim cards, Wifi, & more.
An overview with books about Central Asia (Mongolia, Stan Countries) and the Silk Road: Non Fiction, Fiction, Travel Memoirs, Guidebooks.
An overview with books about Central Asia (Mongolia, Stan Countries) and the Silk Road: Non Fiction, Fiction, Travel Memoirs, Guidebooks.
Sure, we have our own adventures but at times it’s great to be inspired by other overlanders and read a good overlanding book – e.g. to get a feel what … Read more
Our life consists of a combination of overlanding and long-distance hiking, and we plan to give the latter a bigger space in our travels. I am truly inspired by all … Read more
When we were on our first long-distance hike, the Baekdu Daegan in South Korea (750 kms), we had no idea that this sense of ‘forever’ walking through nature could be … Read more
In the middle of the pandemic – while stuck in the Netherlands – we got a beautiful present sent by mail: an overland guidebook of Kyrgyzstan. It got us itching to … Read more
Overland travel information for Kazakhstan: roads, navigation, gas stations, camping, and more in our Kazakhstan Travel Guide.
Our last Where are We was about our cycling trip in the Netherlands. It was only two months ago, but seems like ages! With the start of autumn, Covid-19 stats … Read more
Before hiking the 1000-km National Trail in Israel, we updated our Kindles with books to read about Israel in general and hiking the National Trail in particular. As so many … Read more
Travel information for your overland journey to Tajikistan: budget, roads, gas stations, camping, and more in our Tajikistan Travel Guide.
Non-fiction, Japanese literature, travel memoirs, guidebooks and other books on Japan will help you get started to prepare for your journey.
How to build your rig, how to equip it, overlanders handbooks on road trips, and other practical books on preparing your overland adventure.
What travel books to choose when traveling to China for only a month? Here’s our selection of non-fiction and travel memoirs about China.
Travel information for your overland journey to Mongolia: budget, roads, gas stations, camping, and more in our Mongolia Travel Guide.
Driving to Russia. How are the roads, what roadmaps are useful? Where to get vehicle insurance, or a sim card? Here’s our Russia Overland Travel Guide.
A list of popular books on overlanding by car or motorcycle: around the world, through the Americas, and in Africa, Asia and Europe.
Non-fiction, novels, travel memoirs, and guidebooks are among the Russian books I read to prepare me for a journey through Russia.
Prepare your overland journey to Northern Asia: schedules, roadmaps, and guidebooks for Central Asia (Stan countries), Russia, and Mongolia.
As we’re preparing for the Jordan Trail, I’m uploading my Kindle with novels, memoirs, non-fiction and other books about Jordan.
Debunking all excuses for not going on an overlanding trip! This free e-book Overlanders Inspired shares stories of overlanders from all walks of life.
Travel information for your overland journey to Japan: budget, roads, gas stations, camping, and more in our Overland Travel Guide for Japan.
The story behind the creation of a photo book featuring Bangladesh, a country of rickshaws, rice & jute, historical wealth, and beautiful people.