Ready for Another Long-Distance Hike (Where are we – Turkey 2)


In 2021 we traveled a bit more than in 2020, when we were stuck in the Netherlands pretty much the entire year (read about it here). However, travel in 2021 has been minimal as well.

We are waving to you from Turkey – Fetiye, to be exact.

The Land Cruiser is in Bishkek.

What’s happening, you may wonder?…

Recap of our Travels in 2021

Our last Where are We was such a long time ago, so a short recap (the full story is here): Last spring we flew back to Central Asia.

Spring in Uzbekistan was wonderful, nice temps, great hiking weather in the mountains. And lots of wonderful people – gotta love and embrace the hospitality of the Uzbeks!

But June came, temperatures soared – 48 Celsius / 118 Fahrenheit in Tashkent, the capital. We were itching to leave but allas, all borders closed.

Late July we figured out an expensive and complicated way to get around the law – entirely legal, mind you – and ended up in Kyrgyzstan, with the Land Cruiser.

Check it out: the Landcruising Adventure Kids-Hoodie Collection

EXPLORE KYRGYZSTAN – an Overlanding Guidebook

We explored.

We drove.

And we did a six-day hike in the mountains in southern Kyrgyzstan.

During covid, we had received a beautiful present in the mail, a gorgeous guidebook MADE FOR OVERLANDERS! Hurray.

This isn’t the first overland guidebook out there, but the ones we know of (about of this part of the world) are in French or German. This one is in English. Again, Hurray for the book EXPLORE KYRGYZSTAN. Oun Travela also published an overland guidebook on Ladakh as well, and Georgia (Caucasus) is following in May.

We interviewed Victor, when we met him in Bishkek. Check out their story here.

@Oun Travela

With this great book, we traveled and explored a bit more, this time through western Kyrgyzstan. We came across a vast lake, Toktogul Lake and planned to camp for one night. And another night, and another.

Suddenly six weeks had passed! Snow had started to cover mountain tops and block the first roads and passes. No more exploring for us to be done.

Turkish coffee, yeah! Served in a gorgeous cup like this, it is bound to be delicious.
Welcome to Turkey!

Our own book – #2 (in Dutch) – OMWEGEN

Meanwhile we had been busy, having decided to make the best of our time waiting in Uzbekistan and leiserly camping along Toktogul Lake. And so we wrote our second book. Again in Dutch.

There’s a whole story as to why the books in English haven’t een published yet, we’ll update you on that in time – let’s summarize by saying that the covid madness destroyed our plans.

Anyway, another crowdfunding followed and has meanwhile finished, successfully – again. Our book OMWEGEN – Naar het Einde van de Wereld can be ordered on this website and will be ready to be send to your letterbox in March.

Turkey – Hiking the Lycian Way

So, all that brings me to the reason I wanted to share this Where are We with you to begin with, Turkey. We left the Land Cruiser in Bishkek and flew here last week. Next week we will fold our laptops and plan not to open them for the next 2 months!

Oh, and a Facebook detox too – I am going to delete it from my phone. Coen is still debating if he’ll follow…

The Lycian Way is only 550 kms (340 miles) so we have all the time in the world. It is the rainy season, with rainstorms and since we’ll be hiking in the mountains, we expect to be staying in guesthouses at times to wait out the bad weather.

Time for some sightseeing too – tombs from the Lycian times

Knowing that angels have followed our journeys, we count on enough gorgeous days to pitch our tent in the wilderness, enjoy campfires, sit under starry skies, and reconnect with Mother Nature.

After two years of covid madness I desperately need a break from it all, including the digital world, and to reconnect with my inner self, the beauty of the world, and simply find a sense of peace and confidence again. It will be a time to do some soul searching.

Maybe we’ll do some updates here, who knows. We’ll see.

Meanwhile we wish you all a merry holidays.

Lots of love to all of you!


Karin-Marijke & Coen

Check it out: the Landcruising Adventure Sock Collection

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2 thoughts on “Ready for Another Long-Distance Hike (Where are we – Turkey 2)”

  1. Glad you are taking time to relax.
    We are waiting for winter to arrive. The calendar says it started, but the 65-F temp today says otherwise.
    Strong winds today, so I’m sure the temperature will drop. Hope it brings snow as we have had a very dry year and need the moisture.


    • Heya John, we hope you already had your snow by now. We sure did have some snow up in the mountains and that complicated our hike a bit. You will hear the details at a later stage, when we are ready for it to share with a wider audience.


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