Transportation in South Korea

Underground, above the ground, on foot, or varying from using 1 to 4 wheels or more. See the fascinating, nifty, and fun ways of traveling in South Korea.

Overland Reunion in Venezuela

Meet the Venezuelans!

One of things that makes any journey to Venezuela unique is its incredibly kind, helpful and hospitable people…

Meet the Land Cruiser

Our Home on Wheels We drive a Land Cruiser BJ45. No, the Land Cruiser was not built in 1945 as some Surinamese assume(d), as in their country BJ stands for … Read more

The Land Cruiser’s Ins & Outs

“It’s just as well those Land Cruisers rust, otherwise they would never have problems.” ~DMV Inspector in the Netherlands We bought the Land Cruiser in Germany in 2003. One of … Read more

Overland vehicles and meeting in the Netherlands

Overland Reunion 2014

With 70 past, present and future overlanders we had lots over info, adventures & challenges to share during our annual Overland Reunion in the Netherlands.