Landcruising Adventure Newsletter
Hello friends,
I truly can’t believe how time is flying. When Coen suggested to share another newsletter with you, I felt I had so done only a few weeks ago. Apparently not, that was in June.

Well, I guess that’s just one of the luxury problems we have. Still stuck in the Netherlands due to Covid-19, we spend our time with families & friends, working, cycling & hiking.
Hiking the Pieterpad, Netherlands

Covid-19 Trials

As to Covid-19, not all overlanders got as lucky. Our overlanding friends Yasha and Juergen from Dare2go are stuck between a rock and a hard place, Australia not allowing their own citizens to return.

They wrote about it in this blog post, where you can also read about the whereabouts of many other overlanders who got stuck somewhere on the planet due to Covid-19.
As for us, we can still not return to Kazakhstan. It’s locked at least until the end of November, as far as we understand. Our friend Eduard in Almaty, where our home on wheels is, keeps us posted on the Land Cruiser every once in a while.

Thanks Eduard! We appreciate it.

Working Together

overland vehicle: Land Rovers (©Coen Wubbels)
We keep on sharing a weekly blog post with you every Friday. This and next Friday, be ready for a great collaboration piece, where many fellow overlanders chimed in on one of the big campfire debates: Land Rover or Land Cruiser, and why.

Creative Flows

Not having to fix the Land Cruiser is giving Coen time to get his creative mind flowing. And with a great designer tool on iPad he is a happy man.

Here are some new designs to check out, available on T-shirts, other clothing and lots of goodies among which laptop sleeves and smartphone cases & skins.
Meanwhile Redbubble, the shop that takes care of the logistics is on a roll too, and has added great stuff to their shop.

With Coen’s designs they look even better :-)
Take a look.

Meeting Friends & Family

We have been using our time in the Netherlands to do a lot of catching up. Cycling 800 kms, staying with friends & family along the way, and hiking the longest distance path in the Netherlands, the 500K Pieterpad.
And we aren’t done yet. We are about to departure to another corner of our country and so some sightseeing and socializing there: Friesland, here we come!

The Overland Reunion

Overland Reunion 2020, Netherlands (©Coen Wubbels)
As you read in our previous newsletter, the Overland Reunion was cancelled due to Covid-19. But June 1, the strict rules were lifted and we were able to get together late August. With so many people stuck in the Netherlands, it was busier than ever and we had a blast.

Latest Blogs

Land Rover or Land Cruiser, and Why? Part 1: The Land Rover Aficionados

overland vehicle: Land Rovers (©Coen Wubbels)
A typical campfire discussion: Land Rover vs Land Cruiser. The pros and cons, jokes about the other and the passion for your own. The stories are never ending, including the well-known tongue-in-cheek remarks such as: Do you want a car that looks good on the picture, or one that will always bring you back? If you go to the desert, …

Overland Reunion 2020

Overland Reunion 2020, Netherlands
Covid-19 screwed up the tradition of having our annual Overland Reunion in May, but who cares? We made more than up for it last weekend (late August). Probably because so many of us got stuck in the Netherlands due to Covid-19, we were with more than ever (has anybody counted the number of vehicles?!) and many of us stayed longer …

Driving the Legendary Roads in Patagonia

Driving in Patagonia, South America
Ruta 40 is meanders for about five thousand kilometers along Argentina's western border, through the Andes Mountains and the vast plains of Patagonia. It evokes images of the Wild West, of a vastness void of civilization, where for hours on end, no other humans cross your path. Well stocked up, we leave Argentina's southwestern town of El Calafate and have …

How to Deal with a Heatwave on a Long-distance Hike

Deal with heatwave - hike early in the morning
My feet are dangling in the water as I’m sitting on a dead tree trunk that lies stretched out in the water. The trunk lies right before a bend in the Roer Stream, in the Netherlands. During our 500K long-distance hike in the Netherlands we got caught in a heatwave and jump in water as often as possible. The sun …

Ji'an City Travel Guide (NE China): Transportation, Food, and Sightseeing Tips

Wandy Mountain City, Ji'an, Jilin Province, China
Ji'an – In the Jilin Province Ji'an town is a border town in the Jilin Province in the Northeastern Corner of China, right along the border with North Korea. The nicest part of town is the waterfront. From the Yalu River on the south side, you look into the green mountains of North Korea. Part of the river has a …

What's Next?

As I said earlier, we’re preparing for another cycling trip. We have lots of projects we’re working on and are happy to have time and good wifi for that. Meanwhile we keep on hoping that we’ll be able to return to Kazakhstan this year.

We hope you are coping with Covid-19, wherever you are! We realize that we’re not bad off in the Netherlands compared with many other countries and we are sending good vibes to all of you who are truly stuck at home and not allowed to move!

We enjoy hearing all your feedback on our newsletters and blogs. Just hit the reply button and we will get your message.
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Thank you for supporting us on Patreon:

Aeron, Barbara, Bernard, Bordan, Calin, Chris, Craig, Eric, Jack, Jan, Joost, Judith, Katja, Lena, Marieke, Mike, Monique, Pauline and Wim, Peter and Michelle, Rob, Robert, Travis, Ylona, and Yolanda.

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Keep in Touch

Please stay safe and we hope to hear from you!

If you enjoy this newsletter, will you forward it to friends and family? Thanks!
Karin-Marijke & Coen
Landcruising the world

Every Mile
Tells a Story

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