Landcruising Adventure Newsletter
Hello friends

We are learning a new language: Russian. To get started we went to school for a week, four hours a day. It was tough, but hopefully it will help to get us beyond the ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’ we got to say in Japanese and Korean. As it is, for now we have been meeting lots of people – and staying with them – who speak English so thus far we have been taking the easy road. Language wise, that is.

New miles, new stories

When it comes to off-roading, we dove into the challenge head on and got stuck within half an hour of leaving asphalt. It was an apt introduction to a great weekend with new friends from Vladivostok and to keep the spirit high, we ended that weekend stuck in mud as well. Find that story linked below.

Our introduction to a new country has, once more, been overwhelming. The thumbs up and smartphone pics through car windows as they overtake us and the invitations through Instagram and Facebook have brought many smiles to our faces.

Thank you Russia, for making us feel so welcome!

Content for Patrons

Interested in Coen’s ideas for a 15-year-on-the-road sticker/T-shirt design and to share your thoughts on it? Or to read about our illegal visit to Bhutan? Become a patron and get access to this and 7 other pieces waiting for you – for as little as a cup of coffee to as much as you like.


We have updated our goodies section on the website and they now include our latest sticker designs.
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Other adventurers

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One of our favorite fellow overlanders, with whom we hope to cross roads one day, is Dan Grec. His website is full of short, inspiring stories and amazing photos. As I just checked on what he has been up to, I saw he just published a book Overlanding in West Africa, debunking myths, misconceptions and misnomers! Sounds like a must to me when going there (one day, we will :-))
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Another inspiring fellow overlander, particularly for women and arguably even more for women traveling on motorcycles, is Lois Pryce. She became known in the overlanding world through her TED talk and her first travel memoir Lois on the Loose. Lois’ last trip took her to Iran and like most, if not all, other travelers who have gone there, Lois didn’t find a country that corresponded much to the images we get through the mainstream media. Many of her experiences relate to our trip to Iran, in 2003. Are you ready for the other story?

Check out the latest posts

Where Are We Russia 1 - How to Start an Off-road Adventure in Russia

Where Are We Russia 1 - How to Start an Off-road Adventure in Russia

Half an hour off the asphalt and the wheels go spinning in Russia's thick, clay-like mud. Friends from Vladivostok join our adventure for the weekend and, for the fun of it, we show them how to do it properly and stupidly: getting stuck.
Schedules, Maps, and Guidebooks for Central Asia, Russia and Mongolia

Schedules, Maps, and Guidebooks for Central Asia, Russia and Mongolia

Preparing for an overland trip to Russia, Mongolia and the Stan countries (Central Asia)? Here's what we learned thus far about paper work, road maps, and guidebooks.
Travel Information on South Korea – Documentation, Money Matters, Roads, Guidebooks, Fuel, Accommodation & More

Travel Information on South Korea – Documentation, Money Matters, Roads, Guidebooks, Fuel, Accommodation & More

Travel information on South Korea for overlanders: documentations, gas stations, money matters, road conditions, and more.
Overland Reunion Sign Up [©photocoen]

Before we forget: the Overland Reunion

Past, present, and future overlanders: May 25-27 is your weekend to catch up with kindred spirits. Amidst the woods of De Lutte, in the east of the Netherlands, some 20-40 overlanding rigs annually gather to share and enjoy (Apart from a camping fee, the event is free and has no commercial interest). Do you want to join, whether for the first time or the umpteenth? Sign up here!

What's next?

Life is full of surprises. We are now in Russia, sort of on our way to Mongolia, but who knows our next newsletter will come from China. Stay tuned for more.

We’d appreciate feedback. Please let us know what you like and hate, and/or what more you’d like to hear about in our future updates (or on our website). Just hit ‘reply’ and type away…

If you enjoy this newsletter, will you please forward it to friends and family? Thanks.

happy traveling,
Karin-Marijke & Coen
Patreon logomark (color on white)

Thank you all.

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Every Mile
Tells a Story

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